DotGov logo, in shades of green, orange, and purple. "An initiative of AIGA DC".
DotGov logo, in shades of green, orange, and purple. “An initiative of AIGA DC”.

DotGov Design

Empowering designers within government

DotGov Design, an initiative of AIGA DC, focuses on designers working with or inside government and civic tech initiatives.

We’re focused on three outcomes:

DotGov Design Conference

Our bi-annual DotGov Design Conference returned May 18, 2021 to highlight amazing projects and inspiring people working in the government space, and to educate people aspiring to make the world a better place through government projects.

Ongoing Professional Development

Throughout the year, we organize social events and workshops throughout the DC metro area.

Advocating for Designers within Government

We are also advocates inside of AIGA DC to ensure that events and programming are relevant to and inclusive of designers within government.

Keep in Touch

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