DCDW Event Partner Terms & Conditions
AIGA DC is excited to invite members of the DC creative community to be a part of this year’s DC Design Week (DCDW) by pitching their own event ideas to include in this year’s line up. All DCDW participants and volunteers are expected to meet AIGA DC’s Code of Conduct for involvement with the week. By submitting an event proposal, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions, whether your event is selected or not:
- Those submitting a proposal understand that AIGA DC cannot accept every submitted event to be a part of DC Design Week (as a week is a finite period of time), and your event may not be accepted for a myriad of reasons that may or may not be disclosed to you. Reasons for not being selected could include, but are not limited to, subject matter of proposal, completeness of proposal, originality of porposal, proven experience within subject matter, production costs, venue or material costs, similarity with another event/speaker, conflicts with time/date, format of event, unclarity around proposal, and speaker diversity and representation efforts.
- Those submitting a proposal understand that if your event was not selected as part of DC Design Week, you may proceed with producing the event independently; however, you may not promote it as a part of DC Design Week.
- Those whose events are accepted as a part of DC Design Week will have the role of “DCDW Event Partner.” As a “DCDW Event Partner,” you will be expected to conduct yourself with integrity, courtesy, and respect for others at your event and while in attendance at other events throughout the week. Disruptions or violations of AIGA DC’s Code of Conduct that interfere with the experience of other attendees will not be permitted, and you may be asked to leave at any time if found in violation of these terms.
- You understand that as a “DCDW Event Partner,” you are NOT a representative of AIGA DC or DC Design Week in any official capacity. As such, you will not negotiate nor broker any agreements (financial, promotional, or otherwise) on behalf of AIGA DC or DC Design Week.
- As a condition of your participation in DC Design Week, you hereby waive any claim you may have against AIGA DC and its officers, directors, employees, or agents, or against other presenters or speakers for reliance on any information presented and release AIGA DC from and against any and all liability for damage or injury that may arise from your participation or attendance at the program.
- You further understand and agree that all property rights in the material presented by “DCDW Speakers,” including common law copyright, are expressly reserved to the “DCDW Speakers” or AIGA DC.
- You acknowledge that participation in DCDW events and activities brings some risk, and you do hereby assume responsibility for your own well-being.
- You understand that no parties are permitted to professionally audio or video record sessions during DC Design Week without the express written permission of AIGA DC. However, AIGA DC will make every effort to ensure your event is adequately documented.
- You understand that AIGA DC may photograph and/or capture video from your event, which may be shared in AIGA DC newsletters and promotional material, and in print, electronic, and other media, including the AIGA DC and DC Design Week websites and social media accounts. By participating in this event, you grant AIGA DC the right to use any image, photograph, voice, or likeness, without limitation, in its promotional materials and publicity efforts without compensation. All media become the property of AIGA DC. Media may be displayed, distributed, or used by AIGA DC for any purpose.
- You understand that AIGA DC captures video of most virtual events and shares it privately with active AIGA DC members through an online membership portal, and your event may be privately published to this portal after DC Design Week concludes.