Salon: Zine Publishing and Storytelling

We’re talking all things zines with Caterina Ragg and Adriana Monsalve of Homie House Press!

These ardent photographers will share their insights into publishing, inclusion, and storytelling, and how they’ve created a space for QTPOC (Queer and Trans People of Color) artists and other underrepresented groups to tell their stories. Their passion for celebrating individuals left of center has resulted in zines such as the Spanish/English “Stories from the Migrant Trail” about the Caravan Migrante traveling through Mexico to the United States, and “KNOX ROXS” about breaking the stigma of racialized Autism.

If you’re curious about how zines are created and want to learn more about storytelling in this unique format, register today!

AIGA DC Salons are free, intimate roundtable discussions open to AIGA members only. Check your AIGA membership status at before registering.

Want to enjoy this member benefit? Join today:

Questions? Email Rebecca Perez at [email protected]

This event is held on the lower level and is not wheelchair accessible.

Caterina Ragg and Adriana MonsalveBIO:
Caterina Ragg and Adriana Monsalve are Homie House Press. We are photographers, bookmakers, and educators holding space for and with underrepresented groups. We are a playground where photos become books, a safe space for secret stories and an open house for honest content. Find us migrating through the in between, the world wide web, and al otro lado del charco.

When & Where
Thu, Feb 21, 2019 7:45 AM - 9:45 AM EST
Teaism Penn Quarter
400 8th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20004