Salon: Power & Empowerment in the Workplace

Join us for an early morning discussion about workplace issues that can affect confidence, career progression, and collaboration. We’ve heard so much about how to ask for a raise, break the glass ceiling, etc. However women often still face a wide variety of negative perceptions and experiences that can lead to feeling unsafe, disrespected, humiliated and invisible.

We’ll share personal stories, provide a safe space to discuss these sometimes awkward topics and explore how to empower each other and educate our allies who’d love to know how to empower us. We will also workshop possible solutions and tools. This event will be facilitated by Z Mohtadi, who will talk about how she obtained the support she needed after experiencing microaggressions and sexual harassment.

AIGA DC Salons are free, intimate roundtable discussions open to AIGA members only. Check your AIGA membership status at before registering.

Want to enjoy this member benefit? Join today:

Questions? Email Rebecca Perez at

This event is held on the lower level and is not wheelchair accessible.

Z MohtadiBIO:
Zeinab “Z” Mohtadi was born and raised in Iran and migrated to the US in 2001. As an ultimate INFP and first-generation immigrant, she is very idealistic, loyal to her values and to people who are important to her. Z is currently an Art Director at multinational professional services network with over a decade of experience specializing in branding, advertising, product design, and exhibition design. She graduated from GWU in the field of Visual Communications in 2005.

When & Where
Tue, May 21, 2019 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
Teaism Penn Quarter
400 8th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20004