American Stamps. American Stories. celebrates our nation through miniature works of graphic design.
Since the first U.S. postage stamps were issued in 1847, designers have been telling American stories on a small scale. Though tiny, postage stamps have an outsized ambition: to capture the diversity of our nation and our culture for a global audience.
To tackle this enduring and invigorating design challenge, stamp designers and art directors work creatively within constraints. Collaboration is essential. From the committee that identifies stamp subjects to the final production teams, art directors work with both broad vision and devotion to detail.
For centuries, stamp designers have applied timeless design principles to these miniature canvases, capturing the people, places and eventsthat shape our collective identity as Americans.
Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria invited United States Postal Service art director Antonio Alcalá to create an exhibition about stamp design for their new gallery. American Stamps. American Stories. written and designed by Studio A and Journey Group—features stamps by USPS art directors Antonio Alcalá, Greg Breeding, Ethel Kessler, and Derry Noyes.
From popular entertainers to historic events, and from scientific achievements to nature’s beauty, the broad American experience is represented in eye-catching displays of stamps. Supporting artwork and text present the stamp design process, highlighting how important design principles help produce successful stamp designs.