AIGA DC: Nonbook Book Club Slack Chat

Where are all the people of color in typographic design?

We’re hosting a live chat with Jon Key of Morcos Key and Tré Seals of Vocal Type on the AIGA DC Diversity & Inclusion Slack chat on the #nonbook_bookclub channel.

Join us for a conversation with this dynamic duo and hear what they have to say about typography, design, and the lack of representation in this niche field.

Jon(athan) Key is an art director, designer, writer and partner at MorcosKey, a Brooklyn based studio. He is also a co-founder and design director at Codify Art, a multidisciplinary collective dedicated to creating, producing, supporting, and showcasing work by artists of color, particularly women, queer, and trans artists of color.

Tré Seals is a DC local and a recent recipient of the 2018 Type Directors Club’s Ascenders award for remarkable achievement in typography, type design, and lettering work by designers under the age of 35. He founded his Seals Brand four months after graduating from Stevenson University, and Vocal Type less than a year later.

About #nonbook_bookclub

Every month on the #nonbook_bookclub, we share articles and bring a new guest to discuss a new topic related to inclusive design.

Not familiar with this platform? The AIGA DC D&I Slack workspace is an online safe space to share and support conversations about diversity. Our community provides updates on events, jobs, internships and scholarships. If you’re not already subscribed, join here.

Please note: we want this channel to be a safe space to try out ideas, be wrong, ask questions, and speak honestly. What's said in the nonbook-club stays in the nonbook-club. Please do not quote fellow posters to others or on social media, even if it's out of encouragement.

When & Where
Wed, Aug 22, 2018 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT