5 creative teams and 5 worthy nonprofits stay up for 24-hours straight to collaborate on a design challenge that helps serve the community. CreateAthon is an all volunteer creative marathon that helps elevate local nonprofit organizations in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia by pairing them with creatives in the area to:
- Expand their donors
- Engage their community
- Hone their message
- Highlight their cause
On April 25 — April 26, volunteers will join forces for 24 hours to brainstorm, create, and present the communication tools five area nonprofits need to assist them in serving the community.
Don’t believe it’s possible to do so much in so little time? Check out the amazing work created for last year’s nonprofits.
CreateAthon DC 2020 would like to thank our generous sponsors:
InnovatorsBox and Monument Wealth Management
You can be a part of CreateAthon DC 2020 through your generous donation. Contact Manpreet Sighn at mancingh13@gmail.com or Leon Lawrence III at designforgood@dc.aiga.org, for more information on how you can help.
Find more CreateAthon information for nonprofits here.
Find more CreateAthon volunteer information here.
Check out our CreateAthonDC Q&A.
Need more info, read about the history of CreateAthon here.