You’ve reached the 2016 DotGovDesign Conference schedule page.
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The Schedule


Please arrive early to get through registration

Registration and Coffee  |  8:30 AM

Intro  |  9 AM

Keynote: Julie Anixter, AIGA – “Designers as Innovators”  |  9:15 AM

Lightning Talk: Chris Farwell, Maga Design – “The Power of Visual Information Mapping”  |  10:15 AM

Breakouts  |  10:35 AM

A: Amira Choueiki, SBST – “Science of Design”
B: Panel Discussion: Justin Howard, Deloitte Digital; Gaby Brink, Tomorrow Partners; moderated by Ashleigh Axios – “Return on Design Investment
C: Noah Manger & Emileigh Barnes, 18F – “Designing the Plane as You Fly It

Workshops  |  11:25 AM

A: Future Session
B: “Unconference” Session
C: “Unconference” Session
D: “Unconference” Session
E: “Unconference” Session

Lunch Break: meal provided



Keynote: Erica Deahl, 18F: “U.S. Web Design Standards”  |  1 PM

Lightning Talk: Susan Wittmier: “A Peek Behind the Curtain”  |  2 PM

Breakouts  |  2:20 PM

A: Nathaniel Axios, Deloitte Digital – “The Art of Managing Digital Transformations
B: Donald Leadbetter, NPS; Kirsten Ogren, National Park Foundation – “Find Your Park
C: Seema Patel, USAID – “Design Thinking in Development

Workshops  |  3:10 PM

A: Future Session
B: “Unconference” Session
C: “Unconference” Session
D: “Unconference” Session
E: “Unconference” Session

Lightning Talk: Stephanie Nguyen, USDS – Dept of Education  |  3:50 PM

Keynote: Ethel Kessler, Ethel Kessler Design (Former Art Director of Stamps, USPS) – “Years in the Making, Cast of Thousands” |  4:05 PM


CHIEF – After Party  |  5 PM
RSVP for the After Party

Special thanks to our conference sponsors:

Conference identity by federal designer, George Kokkinidis.

Deloitte Digital
Maga Design